Club: Alte Kantine Berlin


Alte Kantine Berlin

Knaackstr. 97, Berlin, Germany

Phone: 030 44 34 19 52
About club:
Die Alte Kantine ist eine der beliebtesten Locations auf dem Gelände und die Keimzelle der KULTURBRA... Read more »
Parties total: 172
Visitors total: 119
Men total: 51 (43%)
Women total: 68 (57%)

Hungry Monday

06.11.2017 Alte Kantine Berlin
Nobody attended yet

Megapearls - Greatest hits!

04.11.2017 Alte Kantine Berlin
Nobody attended yet

Kantine Deluxe

03.11.2017 Alte Kantine Berlin
Nobody attended yet

Everybody Dance Now -90's, Pop and Dance

02.11.2017 Alte Kantine Berlin
Nobody attended yet

Hungry Monday

02.10.2017 Alte Kantine Berlin
Nobody attended yet

Megapearls - Greatest hits!

30.09.2017 Alte Kantine Berlin
Nobody attended yet

Kantine Deluxe

29.09.2017 Alte Kantine Berlin
Nobody attended yet

Everybody Dance Now -90's, Pop and Dance

28.09.2017 Alte Kantine Berlin
Nobody attended yet

Hungry Monday

25.09.2017 Alte Kantine Berlin
Nobody attended yet

Megapearls - Greatest hits!

23.09.2017 Alte Kantine Berlin
Nobody attended yet