Party: Let's Party
Main page > Embargo Iasi > Let's Party @ Embargo!
Upcoming: 5
Date: 18.10.2014 22:00
Address: Strada Sfantu Sava numarul 10, Iasi, Romania | show on the map »
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Vino si distreaza-te alaturi de noi la o super petrecere marca Embargo!
Invited: Caliman Andrei Răzvan, Erașcu Ștefan, Andrei Donisan, Tiberiu Olteanu, Bardan Alina, Ana Maria Ciurariu, Albu Stefan, Madalina Nicoleta Andrei, Ionut Taraboanta, Denis Ichim, Bardan Bogdan, Claudiu Minea, Grecu Roxana, Stefan Darescu, Razvan Cornel Bolboros, Oana Iftime, Andrei Andres, Claudiu Rusu, Ioana Olteanu, Alexie Iuliana Andreea, Sacaleanu Ciprian, Razvan Crasmariu, Vlad-Ciprian Ichim, Roxana Sunshine show more »