Party: Erasmus Farewell Party
Main page > Club Mynt > Erasmus Farewell Party
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It is crazy, but it's true - this wonderful semester of partying with all of you has nearly ended and it's time to say good-bye!
On Wednesday, 13th December we have ERASMUS FAREWELL PARTY in Club Mynt with:
The drinks are still the cheapest in Tallinn: main drinks cost only 1€ all night long!
Before midnight - 5€ (includes coat-check)
After - 8€ (includes coat-check)
Share the event on your page and write to this wall "ERASMUS FAREWELL PARTY @ CLUB MYNT" and you can win FREE MIXTAPE by DJ SIN-SIN with the most popular party-anthems of the semester. Lottery will take place every day until the event and the lucky winners will get their mixtapes on CD from the DJ-booth at the party!
See you on Wednesday, 13th December @ Club Mynt one last time!
ERASMUS FAREWELL PARTY, kolmapäeval, 17. mail klubis Münt
ERASMUS FAREWELL PARTY on selle semestri viimane ERASMUS pidu Mündis, kus esinevad:
Meil on parima hinnaga joogid Tallinnas: põhijoogid maksavad kogu öö kõigest 1€!!!
Pilet on enne südaööd 5€, hiljem 8€ (hind sisaldab riietehoidu). Aga kui sa jagad üritust oma seinal ja kirjutad siia seinale "ERASMUS FAREWELL PARTY @ CLUB MYNT", võid võita TASUTA DJ SIN-SINi MIXTAPE'i. Loterii toimub iga päev kuni ürituseni ja plaadi saab kätte peol dj käest.
Kohtumiseni kolmapäeval, 13-ndal detsembril klubis Münt!