Party: Stand Up Comedy with Louis and Eric: Austraalia Eri!

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Stand Up Comedy with Louis and Eric: Austraalia Eri!

Club: Club Prive

Upcoming: 66
Date: 18.05.2011 19:00
Address: Harju 6, Tallinn, Estonia | show on the map »

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Party: Stand Up Comedy with Louis and Eric: Austraalia Eri!

Seekord on Stand Up Comedy with Louis and Eric tõeline Austraalia erietendus! Kaks maakera kuklapoole paremat poega, Ro Campbell ja Damian Clark tulevad Tallinna oma Edinburghi Fringe Festivali kavaga "Metsikud koloniaalvennad", kus räägivad austraallaseks olemisest, Euroopas elamisest ja sellest, kuidas oma esivanemate päritolus tuhnimise käigus võib avastada nii mõndagi kriminaalset.


This month for Stand Up Comedy with Louis and Eric we have an all Australian special! Two of down under's finest, Ro Campbell and Damien Clark are bringing their Edinburgh Fringe Festival show "The Wild Colonial Boys" to Tallinn. Their show is all about being Australian, living in Europe and tracing the ancestry of their families which tuned up more than a few criminal records.

This month we have Live Stand-Up comedy by:

Ro Campbell (AUSTRALIA) & Damian Clark (AUSTRALIA)

This all new monthly theatrical show will feature the hottest comedians and stage performers from across Europe in a variety show-style bonanza of laughter, riotous applause, and heartfelt admissions of childhood deviance (please do not riot). “Stand-up Comedy with Louis and Eric” brings Club Prive back to its theatrical roots: each month the nightclub we all know and love will transform into a comedy club, and Comedy Estonia’s Louis and Eric will share the stage with two of the brightest headlining comedians currently touring Europe.

Our premium show in Club Prive offers table service, a full bar operated by Prive’s legendary staff, and an entire evening of live music provided by our jazz band, “The Laugh Tracks”. Think high-class Vegas night out minus the drained bank account and pimps. Well, our pimp will probably be there.


Live Stand-Up comedy by:

Ro Campbell (AUSTRALIA)
Scottish Aussie Comic Cowboy Ro Campbell has spent 6 years honing his craft by gigging all over the UK, Ireland, Europe and beyond. He has performed at the last 5 Edinburgh Fringe festival's and made The Scotsman's pick of Best Jokes of The Fringe in 2009. He has also performed at the Adelaide Fringe, Melbourne International Comedy Festival and has written for British TV and Radio. 12 people in the Outer hebrides once saw him perform on BBC's Gaelic language channel and in 2010 he was controversially crowned Scottish Comedian Of The Year.

Damian Clark (AUSTRALIA)
Aussie Damian Clark burst into the UK & European comedy circuit in 2005 and within weeks was hailed ‘The Number 1 event to see' and 'Cream of the crop’

After several acclaimed TV performances in Australia plus two prestigious comedy awards under his belt, Damian moved to Ireland where teaming up with fellow comic Andrew Stanley, wrote and co-starred in RTE TV’s I Dare Ya which was the highest rating debut of an Irish TV comedy show to date.

Since then, Damian has written and performed for such shows as IFTA Nominated Best Entertainment Program - The Savage Eye, The Republic of Telly, The Apprentice: You're Fired! and his appearance on Katherine Lynch’s Wonder Women was voted on TV3 as ‘one of the funniest moments on Irish TV in the past 50 years’.

Now he headlines clubs all over Ireland, the UK, Europe and beyond. Playing The Comedy Store, Laughter Lounge, The Stand, Komedia, Highlights, Mirth Control and is the founder & regular host of The Comedy Shed, north side Dublin's leading alternative comedy club.

Hosted by:

Live Jazz music by:



This is an all-seated exclusive event for only 200 people. Limited number of tickets are in presale until 11th May for 10 EUR and 12th May until 18th May for 16 EUR at the Piletilevi all over Estonia or at

Tickets at the door (if available) 16 EUR. Doors are open from 19.00 and guests are entertained by the live band until the show starts at 20.00. Length of the show is about 2 hours with breaks filled by live jazz band. The show is English.



Enjoy the show as it is meant to be! Reserve a table for yourself and your friends and make your evening special at Club Privé’s brand new VIP area. All reservation must be confirmed in advance at +372 56 256 000 or [email protected]

See the floor plan here!

Big table, option for 6-10 persons

225 EUR includes:
- 10 tickets
- Complimentary bottle of choice
- Sushi from Silk restaurant for 10 people
- Fruits for 10 people
- Meriton Hotel’s restaurant Mademoiselle famous Iceberg cake for 10 persons
- Coffee for 10 persons

Small table, option for 2-4 persons

160 EUR includes:
- 4 tickets
- Complimentary bottle of choice
- Sushi from Silk restaurant for 4 people
- Fruits for 4 people
- Meriton Hotel’s restaurant Mademoiselle famous Iceberg cake for 4 persons
- Coffee for 4 persons


Stand-up komöödiast on saanud Eesti meelelahutusmaailma üks tõmbenumbritest ning Comedy Estonia ja Club Prive estlevad järgmist parimat asja – eksklusiivne stand-up komöödia etendus Louis’e ja Eric’uga!

Uus igakuine teatraalne etendus kaasab endasse hetke parimad koomikud ning toob kohale tuntud artistid Tervest Euroopast.Show saab olema erinevate variatsioonidega, seal saab näha ja kuulda nii bonanza stiilis naljatamist, märatsevat aplausi kui ka südamlikku lapsemeelset huumorit. „Stand-up Comedy Louise ja Eric’uga” viib Club Prive tagasi oma teatrist läbi imbunud juurte juurde: igal kuul muutub ööklubi, mida me kõik teame ja armastame, kömoodiaklubiks ning üles astuvad Comedy Estonia’st tuntud Louis ja Eric, kes jagavad lava veel kahe särava, hetkel Euroopas tuuril oleva koomikuga.

Club Prive esmaklassilise etenduse juurde kuulub loomulikult ka lauateenindus, samuti on avatud uued baarid, kus teid teenindavad meie imelised baaridaamid ning baarmanid. Õhtut saadab jazz-bänd The Laugh Tracks. Ilmselt on tegu samaväärse õhtuga, mis oleks õhtu Las Vegases kui välja arvata fakt, et järgmisel hommikul ei vaata pangaarvelt vastu ümmargune null.

Eksklusiivsele etendusele müüakse vaid 200 istekohta. Piiratud arv pileteid hinnaga 10 EUR on müügil kuni 11. maini ning hinnaga 16 EUR 12. maist kuni 18. maini Piletilevi esindustes üle Eestis. Pileteid on võimalik osta ka Piletilevi kodulehelt,

Kohapealt ostes (kui ei ole väljamüüdud) maksab sissepääs 16 EUR. Uksed avatakse alates kella 19.00st. Kuni etenduse alguseni, kell 20.00, mängib live-muusikat jazz-bänd. Etendus toimub inglise keeles!

Naudi etendust nagu VIPile kohane! Reserveeri laud endale ja sõpradele ning muuda oma õhtu eriliseks Club Prive uuel VIP-alal. Laudu on võimalik broneerida telefonil +372 56 256 000 või [email protected].

Suur laud, soblik 6 – 10 inimesele
Hind on 225 EUR, mis sisaldab:
- 10 piletit
- Pudel alkoholi
- Sushi restoranist Silk 10le inimesele
- Puuvilju 10le inimesele
- Meriton Hotel’i kohviku Mademoiselle kuulus Iceberg’i kook 10le inimesele
- Kohv 10le inimesele

Suur laud, soblik 2 – 4 inimesele
Hind on 160 EUR, mis sisaldab:
- 4 piletit
- Pudel alkoholi
- Sushi restoranist Silk 4le inimesele
- Puuvilju 4le inimesele
- Meriton Hotel’i kohviku Mademoiselle kuulus Iceberg’i kook 4le inimesele
- Kohv 4le inimesele