Party: Hammiest Ham Raffles
Main page > Forbes Services Memorial Club > Hammiest Ham Raffles
Upcoming: 1
Date: 04.12.2014 18:00
Address: 41 Templar Street, Forbes, Australia | show on the map »
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Our Hammiest Ham Raffles are on again! Saturday 22nd November, Saturday 29th November, Thursday 4th December and Friday 12th December we have 50 hammy hams to be won then on Saturday 20th December we have 100 of the hammiest hams to be won! That’s 300 hams to be WON. Ticket sales for each date start at 6pm and WINNING from 7:30pm. Get your ham on and join us at FSMC – the place to be!
Invited: Jennalea Gunn, Carolyn Beedon