Party: To the moon and back!
Main page > Fratelli Iasi > To the moon and back!
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Date: 03.02.2017 23:30
Address: Str. Palas, 5D, Iasi, Romania | show on the map »
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To the mood and back!
Friday, the 3rd of February, we are inviting you to a party out of this world.
John Junior and Tony Q. will take you on a trip “To the Moon and Back”, one of the voyages of starship Fratelli!
Its mission is to conquer new frontiers of fun and dancing and with the help of our experienced “astronauts” we are in for an amazing show.
Buckle up and enjoy wonderful moments, Friday, after 11.30pm, in Fratelli Lounge & Club Iasi.
For reservations: [email protected] | 0756.56.11.11
Fratelli reserves the right to select its clients, due to the capacity of the locations and the reservation list.
Access 18+
Never drink & drive
We do not endorse the use of drugs