Party: OPEN DOORS / FreeFlowStudio / Winter Edition 2018

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Party: OPEN DOORS / FreeFlowStudio / Winter Edition 2018

(Scroll down for English)

**Avatud Uste Päev FREE FLOW STUDIOS // Winter Edition 2018**

Et minna jõudsalt vastu 9. hooaja teisele poolele, toome Teieni Free Flow Studios, 6. ja 7. jaanuaril toimuva AVATUD USTE PÄEVA! Kavas on vanad lemmikud ning UUED stiilid, on mida oodata!

Lisaks sellele on kõigil uutel võimalik 8.-14. jaanuar tunde TASUTA PROOVIDA!

Stiili kirjeldusi võite leida meie kodulehelt:

⬇ Ajakava Leiate teksti alt ⬇

Teatri tundide kohta lisainfot saab emaili aadressilt [email protected]

Pilliõppe ja hääleseade proovitunni soovi korral on see võimalik kontakteerudes otse meie Muusikaosakonna juhataja Laura Põldverega!
[email protected]


**Open Doors at FREE FLOW STUDIO // Winter Edition 2018**

Here we GO and greet the second half of Season 9! We bring to you Free Flow Studios Open Doors Day on the 6th and 7th of January. Old favorites and NEW styles. Come and take a peak ;).

Additionally for all the new dancers! 8th-14th of January you can take classes for FREE!

Overview of our dance styles can be found here:

⬇ Timetable can be found here ⬇

More information about theatre classes please write to [email protected]

It is also possible to have Musical Instrument and Singing trial class. Please contact our Music Department Head Laura Põldvere!
[email protected]


6th of January (SATURDAY)
13:00 Contemporary Kids / Hanna Kristiina Anteploon / Green
13:30 Contemporary Juniors / Anna Maria Kalvi / Blue
14:00 Contemporary Performance/ Helin Jürmann / Green
14:30 Theatre / Angel Casal / Blue
15:00 Technical Contemporary / Liis Siitan / Green
15:30 Vogue Femme / Katya Makarova / Blue
16:00 Street Salsa / Jene Walker / Green
16:30 Experimental HipHop / Jene Walker / Blue
17:00 Femme Style / Kairi Lenk / Green
17:30 Tutting / Omar Anan / Blue

7th of January (SUNDAY)
13:00 Street Contemporary / Helis Hämarsalu / Green
13:30 Dancehall / Sadu-Triste Juurikas / Blue
14:00 Popping Choreo / Artur Jermošin / Green
14:30 Girly HipHop / Diana Aizatullina / Blue
15:00 HipHop Freestyle / Alexander Makarov / Green
15:30 Ragga / Natalja Mamacita Sabartsina / Blue
16:00 Girly HipHop / Natalja Mamacita Sabartsina Green
16:30 Heels Class / Diana Aizatullina / Blue [NEW]
17:00 Strip Class / Femme crew / Green
17:30 Firedance / Daniil Volkov / Blue


Kuidas meie juurde tulla?
How to get to us?
(Alguspunkt Solarise Keskus)
(Starting point Solaris Center)

Näeme seal!
See you there!