Party: Orbits w/ DAX J, Photonz, DJ Saliva

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Orbits w/ DAX J, Photonz, DJ Saliva

Club: Gare Porto

Upcoming: 216
Date: 15.12.2017 23:59
Address: Rua da Madeira, 182 (junto à estação de S.Bento), Porto, Portugal | show on the map »

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Party: Orbits w/ DAX J, Photonz, DJ Saliva

Não temos por hábito convidar artistas para nossa casa quando há tão pouco tempo nos visitaram, mas existem oportunidade a que não podemos voltar costas, sobretudo tratando-se de alguém responsável pelo estremecer das nossas fundações sentido até ao dia de hoje. Numa altura em que se elaboram as listas de "melhor do ano", não se espera menos destaque do que alcançado nas tabelas anteriores, onde foi nomeado "Best Breakthrough Artist DJ" pelas publicações especializadas - Mixmag, Groove Magazine e DJ Mag - e juntou-se à lista "Top 100 DJs" elaborada pelos leitores da Resident Advisor. As presenças regulares no evento Photon, promovido pela Klockworks de Ben Klock, e passagens pelos mais relevantes festivais do género, indicam que 2017 continuará ser o ano Dax J
Declaradamente influenciado pela cena jungle/garage underground britânica - estreando-se enquanto DJ de rádios piratas aos 15 anos - soube como ninguém transportar esse mesmo espírito para a sua sonoridade, assente num techno escuro, cru e descarnado tão característico das suas produções e revelado exponencialmente nos DJ sets. E aqui estamos nós, mais uma vez, ansiosos por o receber.
Photonz | Dj Saliva
Entrada: 15€

We don't usually invite artists back so soon after they have visited us, however there are a few opportunities we cannot ignore, especially when the individual in question is responsible for one of the most stunning sets in Gare's recent collective memory. At a time when "best of year" lists are being drawn up, we expect this particular artist to be as high in the ranking as in previous years. He was named "Best Breakthrough Artist DJ" by Mixmag, Groove Magazine and DJ Mag, he was also featured in Resident Advisor's "Top 100 DJs" Readers Poll. He is a regular presence at the Photon events curated by Ben Klock's own Klockworks, and his performances at the most relevant festivals in the techno spectrum are surefire signs that 2017 will continue to be Dax J's year.

Openly influenced by the UK Jungle and Garage scenes, he hit Pirate Radio at the tender age of 15 and has expertly channeled the energy and spirit of the bass music of his formative years into his own sound, building on a foundation of dark, raw techno that is characteristic of his productions and his DJ sets. And so here we are once again, supremely excited to invite him into our home.
Photonz | Dj Saliva
