Party: Home&Abroad Sessions | mojo jazz café dj set

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Party: Home&Abroad Sessions | mojo jazz café dj set

home&abroad sessions | mojo jazz café dj set

mojo jazz café
eintritt frei
hamburg reeperbahn 1

home&abroad sessions met 2015 in perpignan (southern france), which became the birthplace of the collective when djing at a festival finding truth in each other’s musical styles and love for organic dance-oriented music from the 1960s to the present with an emphasis on jazz-funk, brazilian, latin & fusion. the collective has played in various permutations in clubs and at festivals in london, barcelona and hamburg.

home&abroad sessions dj’s:
scratch crusader (uk)
masterocker (fr)
olivier brazes (fr)
jeff the fish (ie/fr)
melody nelson (de)
