Party: 12 Jahre Treibstoff Klub with Boris and Andrey Pushkarev

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Party: 12 Jahre Treibstoff Klub with Boris and Andrey Pushkarev

12 Jahre T R E I B S T O F F K L U B

▬▬ Lineup ▬▬
Boris (Berghain/Panorama Bar), Berlin
Andrey PUSHKAREV (Circus Company), Russia
More DJ's tba...

▬▬ Tickets ▬▬
Limited Early Bird Ticket EUR 10.- (bis 6. August)
Standard VVK Ticket EUR 15.-
Abendkasse/Door Ticket EUR 15.-

▬▬ Infos ▬▬
Location: Odonien Cologne
Doors: 23:00
Music: Techno/House
People: Good
Fotocredit (Boris): Sven Marquardt
Artwork: Okinawa69
Mobile Phones: not on the dancefloor please!

see you in a bit for more infos & tickets...
