Party: Akadeemiline Reede
Main page > Studio > Akadeemiline Reede
Upcoming: 188
Date: 17.01.2013 23:00
Address: Sauna 1, Tallinn, Estonia | show on the map »
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Iga kuu kolmas neljapäev toob traditsiooniliselt kokku legendaarseimad tudengid üle linna Club Studiosse. Sessi lõpp juba paistab ja viimasteks pingutusteks oleks vaja pinged maha tantsida. Kõrvailu pakuvad residendid MVP & Anton Must, silmailu TTÜ Tantsutüdrukud. Peol astub üles ka üllatusesineja, kes oma etteastega gravitatsiooni ei tunnista. Baarides tudengitele taskukohased üllatused.
LOOS: sooviksid võita pileti endale ja sõbrale ning mõnusalt
baarikrediiti? Loosi läheb 3x2 piletit ning 2x30 eur krediiti.
Osalemiseks nagu kord ja kohus, saada sõpradele peokutsed laiali, jaga
üritust oma seinal ning kirjuta alla kommentaaridesse -
Pilet: 5 Eur kogu öö
Every third Thursday of the month brings all the most legendary students together to Club Studio. The end of the exam session is already at sight and for the last efforts it is necessary to dance your socks off! The best tunes are played by residents DJ MVP & ANTON MUST, feast for eyes are TTÜ Cheerleaders. There's also a surprise attendance made by a performer, who is not following the laws of physics. To see, what's going to happen, be there! There are student-friendly prices waiting for You at the bars.
Would You like to win a free entrance for You and Your friend and some barcredit? We are giving away 3x2 tickets and 2x30€ of barcredit. To win invite Your fellow students to the party and share this event on Your wall. Write "Academic Friday" to the event wall, when You have done all that.
Ticket: 5€
Doors: 23:00