Party: Friday I'm In Love | Heavy Rotation

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Friday I'm In Love | Heavy Rotation


Upcoming: 2
Date: 15.04.2016 19:00
Address: Strada Berzei 25, 010000 Bucharest, Romania, Bucharest, Romania | show on the map »

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Party: Friday I'm In Love | Heavy Rotation

- Hey! Ce facem vineri seara? Vrei sa mergem la un live?
Nu stiu….m- am cam saturat sa aud aceleasi playlist- uri…
Fii atent! Am auzit de o trupa care canta foarte bine, Heavy Rotation.
Au piese super tari, cu energie, bat in timbale, djembe, e nebunieee.
Si au concert vinerea asta asta, la Stuf.
Bine, hai ca m-ai facut curios. Ne vedem la 22:00, la Stuf ”

Vineri, 15 aprilie, Stuf Vama Veche Bucuresti!
Let s play together!

Ioana Abramiuc (voice & percussions)
Michel Kotcha (voice & djembe)
Andrei Neamtu (guitar, timbales, samples, producer)
Andrei Cornea (special FX, controllers, samples, darbuka, producer)
Sergiu Stanciu (drums)

Rezervari: 0724788388
