Party: AUScA Semester 1 BBQ

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Party: AUScA Semester 1 BBQ

List of things you shouldn’t do on Friday the 13th, if you’re superstitious:
-Walk under a ladder
-Let a black cat cross your path
-Break a mirror
-Spill salt

List of things you should do on Friday the 13th, if you’re a scientist:

We’ll be on the Maths Lawns from 11.00am. It’s FREE for members, and only $2 per sausage or 2 for $3 for non-members. Drinks will be $1 per can. Non-members can sign up for membership on the day for $5.

Vegetarian options will be available!

(Please note: We aim to be inclusive, so this is a ladder-, black cat-, mirror-, and salt-free event.)