Party: Calamity Jane
Main page > Canberra Theatre Centre > Calamity Jane
Upcoming: 2
Date: 15.08.2018 19:00
Address: Civic Square, London Circuit, Canberra, Australia | show on the map »
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This whip-cracking, rollicking rough-and-ready reimagining shucks off the buckskin and brings a barrelful of dirt and grit to the classic musical. Starring Virginia Gay (Channel 7’s All Saints and Winners & Losers) as the magnetic, masculine heroine, joined by a ragtag band of acclaimed comedic actors and musicians who share all the other roles.
Featuring timeless standards such as The Deadwood Stage, Just Blew In From The Windy City, Black Hills of Dakota, and Secret Love performed with piano and a grab bag of other instruments, this production injects a unique and raucous sense of spontaneity into the world of musical theatre.
Become immersed in the world of the Golden Garter Saloon – alive with whores, gamblers, and habitual jeopardy – and expect an unruly and unpredictable ride. In particular dozens of audience members seated onstage at saloon tables will be a part of the action when they least expect it!
“Gay is sensational – she just about blows the roof off the theatre!” Sunday Telegraph