Party: Club working bee ready for start of season.

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Club working bee ready for start of season.

Club: Rochedale Tigers

Upcoming: 2
Date: 27.02.2016 07:00
Address: , Rochedale, Australia | show on the map »

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Party: Club working bee ready for start of season.

Hello all members, we are holding a working bee at the club on Saturday 27th February from 7am. Things that need doing are mowing, whipper snipping, raking up leaves, tidy up the front of the club/carpark. Inside needs cleaning, canteen cleaned and restocked. Dressing sheds cleaned and repainted.

Many hands make light work.

There will be a FREE sausage sizzle at the end for all the helpers.

Please respond to the event if you are coming to help or comment below.

Thanks in advance The Committee.