Party: Versuz invites BROILER
Main page > Versuz > Versuz invites BROILER
Upcoming: 70
Date: 06.07.2015 23:00
Address: Gouverneur Verwilghensingel 70, Hasselt, Belgium | show on the map »
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Are you ready to be pleased by an insane duo? Known for their hit single ‘wild eyes’..
People of Versuz.. Let us welcome:
Originated from an internet phenomenon back in 2011, Broiler has now grown fully into the modern dance music industry. Ready for this musical phenomenon?
Monnight july 7th 2015
Resident: Laurent Wery
Special Guest: Broiler
Funky tunes by ILJAC
Support by the Versuz DanceCrew
Doors: 23h
Tickets: 10€ (members) // 15€ (non members)